Wednesday, 2 October 2013



Suitability Contest:

- Passionate and crazy
- Loves talking to people
- Existing agony aunt to friends
- Sociable and approachable
- Enjoys listening to others
- Enthusiastic and determined
- Modern ways to conquer problems
- Past experiences with self esteem issues
- Connecting to people
- True individual with quirky traits
- Independent and opinionated
- Hobby of writing and reading
- Wants to share happiness, peace and love

It's a recent decision of mine to acknowledge my calling and inner gift. I'm finally going to roll the dice and play the game. I'm no longer scared, embarrassed or shy to pursue this career because I know deep down it's something that has resonated within me when I was younger.

It's only until now, after doing a lot of self reflection and going on a mind detox, that I've been able to clear the fluff out of my head. And boy is it great to shout out to the Universe that you've decided what you want to do.

I'm excited to embark on this journey.

My main focus is to help people boost their self esteem and find happiness and peace in their lives.

If you want to receive the benefits out of life, or discover the joy it has to give, please message me and we can discuss times and dates that will cover a year long plan together.

Jeanie xoxo

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