Friday, 20 September 2013

Book Moments


May Cause Miracles is a book for beings who are wanting more love, life and happiness in their world. I bought the book after watching my favourite Youtube person Marie Forleo who interviewed this lovely lady, Gabrielle Berstein.

It's pretty much a self guide to addressing your fears, issues, problems or candy floss as I call it and learning how to let them go and thus restoring faith in yourself. The way you are naturally supposed to be!

I'm on DAY 8 of the book now, and had frequent lollipop meltdowns after understanding fears that I had not overcome, when I thought I had. I think it was a surprise to me that I had still clung onto a few candy floss ideas, and the main downside was I thought I was better than that or had moved on.

I've figured out new ways to tackle my moods or when I focus on a negative mindset by:

1. Morning audio clips

It helps to reinstate things you may have forgotten and balance your mind back to a stable little cloud.

2. Meditation

I used to think meditations HAD to last a length of time, and its not true from what I've learnt and what I've experienced. Simply taking out a couple of minutes from your 'crazy work schedule' instead of using your mobile phone can do wonders to in-still that calmness that you need.

3. Yoga

It really does calm your soul when you breathe through each pose, and ask for that quiet time to yourself. It's something about your body and breathing into it, so any type of exercise really makes you present, and connects you to your core.

4. Finding something that makes you happy

I know its a silly one, but honestly finding a small activity like dancing, reading, knitting, watching your favourite tv show, whatever it is, to actually DO IT! Keep yourself happy by incoporating the things YOU LOVE into your life. Easy one isn't it? Try to find something that doesn't depend on others interaction with you. It'll keep you motivated, upbeat, cheery and it's a place to simply relax and recharge those bunny batteries of yours.

I'll be posting up a video link RIGHT HERE containing all the steps I discussed above and the little hurdles I've had to deal with in order to unlock life's inner happiness.

Jeanie xoxo

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